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Aviation enthusiasts who enjoy everything relating to recreational aviation.
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Learn to Fly
Learning to fly has never been easier or more convenient!
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The Morningstar Flying Club, founded over 27 years ago, is a fraternity of aviation enthusiasts who enjoy everything relating to recreational aviation. All our members are passionate about flying and anyone who shares this vision is welcome to join us.
Joining the Airspace
Noise abatement: The residents of the surrounding areas value their peace and quiet so let’s respect this by not creating unnecessary noise when operating our aircraft.
To Provide
An efficient, organised and safe environment for members and visitors at MFC facilities – our Club is based at Morningstar Airfield.
To Promote
The sport of Flying and, in particular, that of Non-Type Certified Aircraft.
To Instruct
The advancement of piloting and technical skills of members through education and participation in competitions and technical courses.
To Share
The experience of flight and sport aviation with the non-flying community.
Membership Info
Any person may apply for membership of the Morningstar Flying Club. Prospective applicants are requested to attend a monthly meeting and to fill in and submit a membership application.
Membership Info
Join Us
Join Us and start your pilot journey.
Contact Us at
Office: +27 (0)21 200 1818