Membership Info

Join the Morningstar Flying Club today!!!

Membership Info

Morningstar Flying Club is a not for profit association that offers several membership options:

  • Flying member is one who has full voting rights and who is or is training to be a pilot.
  • Country member who has full voting rights and resides more than 100km from the Clubhouse.
  • Social member has no voting rights and is not nor intends to be a pilot but enjoys aviation.

New flying members are required to pay a joining fee equivalent to an annual membership in addition to the full membership fee upon joining. Save that a student pilot that has never flown before has the joining fee waived.

New members joining after the 31st July each year pay the full joining fee (ab initio students are exempt) but will have their membership fee reduced to a proportion of the full fee.

See Members Downloads for the current fee structure.

New members keen on learning to fly should contact the flying schools based at Morningstar airfield:

Morningstar Flight Academy
Cape Gyro
Cape Recreational Flight Training

Contact Details

Club House: +27 (0)21 200 1818


General Enquiries:
Heather Mienie

Membership Enquiries:
Heather Mienie

Godfrey Needham

Alan Fergus

Mike Crawley

Mark Hensman

Jonathan Starke

Airfield & Hangars:
Charl Starke

Bobby Frost

Bobby Frost

Banking Details

Standard Bank
Constantia Branch: 025309
(EFT general code 051001)
Account Number: 045693714

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